Amazon S3 vs. Tardigrade

Upload a 1GB file (openssl rnd generated)

root@server030:~# time uplink cp ./ sj://test/1g-test-file2                                     
2020-01-29T02:30:27.167+0100    INFO    Configuration loaded from: /root/.local/share/storj/uplink/config.yaml
1.00 GiB / 1.00 GiB [------------------------------------------------------------------] 100.00% 18.62 MiB p/s
Created sj://test/1g-test-file2

real    0m55.348s
user    1m41.474s
sys     1m42.360s

Download of the same 1GB file :

root@server030:~# time uplink cp sj://test/1g-test-file2 /tmp/1gb-test-file02.tmp  
2020-01-29T02:33:25.297+0100    INFO    Configuration loaded from: /root/.local/share/storj/uplink/config.yaml
1.00 GiB / 1.00 GiB [------------------------------------------------------------------] 100.00% 23.87 MiB p/s
Downloaded sj://test/1g-test-file2 to /tmp/1gb-test-file02.tmp

real    0m43.283s
user    0m43.905s
sys     0m10.110s

Random spikes up to 1,4Gbit/s while uploading and around 1,2Gbit/s while downloading.

Deleting the 1GB file :

root@server030:~# time uplink rm  sj://test/1g-test-file2      
2020-01-29T02:46:46.086+0100    INFO    Configuration loaded from: /root/.local/share/storj/uplink/config.yaml
2020-01-29T02:46:46.659+0100    INFO    running on version v0.30.5
Deleted sj://test/1g-test-file2

real    0m10.468s
user    0m0.110s
sys     0m0.040s
  • 4 x E5-4669 V4
  • 512GB RAM
  • Intel DC P3700 NVMe
  • 10Gbit/s Interent
  • OS : Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS
  • Satellite: Europe-West-1
  • Location : Denmark