Bandwidth utilization comparison thread

I knew that (but ignored that :wink: as I thought it is pretty lazy and unfair for different users) - it didn’t make any sense for me until now, when I “got” it… sorry for spreading wrong info to people.

That is pretty weak assumption made by STORj.
I have an ISP that is the biggest in my country and he supplies dynamic public IPs. One day I have an IP that can be allocated to totally different part of the country the very next day. I’ve noticed that one day various “what’s my IP” services locate me in different parts of the country (even more than 200km away from my location).
This ISP is country-wide and it’s service covers an approximation of rectangle that is ~800km tall and wide.
So pretty unfortunate assumption for “data” distribution. At least for this ISP :slight_smile:
That also means that each day I may get “lucky” and share a /24 subnet with someone who decided to enter STORj project, and who lives half country away from me :smiley:
That also mean that someone can have a STORj service in the same building as me and have IP that is geolocated hundreds of kms from this building…