Bandwidthdb error: no such table: bandwidth_usage_rollups

  1. Stop the storagenode
  2. Make a backup of bandwidth.db (for example - just copy it to bandwidth.db.bak)
  3. Execute either with a local installed sqlite3 or with a docker container (see for reference):
sqlite3 bandwidth.db
CREATE TABLE bandwidth_usage (
                                                satellite_id  BLOB    NOT NULL,
                                                action        INTEGER NOT NULL,
                                                amount        BIGINT  NOT NULL,
                                                created_at    TIMESTAMP NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE bandwidth_usage_rollups (
                                                                                interval_start  TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
                                                                                satellite_id    BLOB    NOT NULL,
                                                                                action          INTEGER NOT NULL,
                                                                                amount          BIGINT  NOT NULL,
                                                                                PRIMARY KEY ( interval_start, satellite_
id, action )
CREATE INDEX idx_bandwidth_usage_satellite ON bandwidth_usage(satellite_id);
CREATE INDEX idx_bandwidth_usage_created   ON bandwidth_usage(created_at);
  1. Try to start storagenode and take a look into logs.