BTRFS vs EXT4 vs ZFS Filesystem for storj

  1. Backups useless. As soon as you restore from backup - your node would be disqualified for lost pieces since backup.
  2. When you use LVM, do not use simple (spanned, striping, etc.) volume across drives (RAID0) - with one disk failure the whole volume is lost. If you want to waste money - you can create an array but only with parity or mirror (RAID1), also RAID10, there is no other options. In this case the ZFS would be better - because it’s able to recover after bitrot unlike usual RAID5/RAID6. Mostly capable configuration - one node per one HDD. And please do not try to put petabytes in one location - the current equilibrium (between uploads and deletes) around 24TB after years.

See RAID vs No RAID choice