Bug: SN gross space limit overstep

It was blobs last time I checked, this time I checked whole storage folder, but it’s gonna be the same folder.

Edit: I checked to make sure and, yes, it’s the blobs folder, there’s 150 GB more than it’s indicating. How is that even possible? If it isn’t in the database, why didn’t it get deleted by bloom filters?

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Hi @Storgeez
What is your SN version? We made some fixes for the overused disk space displaying but I’m not sure if its already on your node.

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1.20.2, displaying 0 bytes overused. If it’s overused, by logic it should be included in “used” as well.

Oh and hi :slight_smile:


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I guess both points of view are valid.

  • Used could refer to the amount used out of the allocated space, meaning that the amount overused data is above that.
  • Used could refer to the total amount of used space, including overusage.

Really I think both approaches are OK, they had to choose one…

To me both sound the same - suppose a node with 2TB allocated. The node is storing 2.2TB data.
By your first method, we could deduce that the node is using 2.2TB out of 2TB allocated. 0.2TB being overusage.
By the second method, you are using a total of 2.2TB of space. 0.2TB being overusage.
In my opinion any usage of the word “used” that doesn’t include all the data stored (besides trash) would be misleading, it could be done though, with tooltips that explain this difference for example. But it becomes nonintuitive - it should be intuitive.

But this is besides the point, it doesn’t explain the fact that 150GB more is occupied than reported.