Cant startup again after update.. Windows GUI

Is it possible you skipped a few versions when updating?

If so, you may have skipped the version of the node that created the file in the first place. I think you should be able to fix this by running the setup command manually.

I’m not entirely sure whether that would overwrite other stuff. So best do that in a different folder.

&"C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\storagenode.exe" setup --config-dir D:\tmp-path\ --identity.cert-path C:\path\to\identity.cert

Fair warning, I haven’t tried this. But I think this should create the files required for a new node, which will likely include that missing file you need. You can then just copy that one over and start the node as normal.
Make sure you actually specify the path to your identity.cert file and create the tmp-path folder first.

You might want to wait until someone from Storj Labs confirms this might work. Perhaps @Alexey can point out if I’m on the right track here?


I absoltly dont know - when I reboot it does an update automatically that seems to always break something.

I dont know how it updates when more versions came out since last reboot

The file could be missed by two reasons:

  • Windows has deleted it during auto-check
  • You skipped several versions during update (maybe your updater was not running?)

The fix, mentioned by @BrightSilence should work.
It will fail if you specify the existing location for the config because the config.yaml there (it’s made for to prevent the start when something is wrong with the drive).
To simplify process, you can add a --storage.path D:\ to the setup command, for example:

&"C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\storagenode.exe" setup --config-dir "$env:TEMP" --identity-dir "$env:AppData\Storj\Identity\storagenode" --storage.path D:\
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I can confirm that updater was and is running.

Thank you for your help alexey, I hope that was it for now with the update problems.