Certificates peer error

OK - that helped, the command completes, but I’m getting an “error while signing certificate” and still only the 4 files exist, not seeing the completed 6 files:

2019-10-30T13:28:41.289-0500 INFO running on version v0.23.5
2019-10-30T13:28:41.572-0500 FATAL Unrecoverable error {“error”: “error occurred while signing certificate: rpc error: code = Internal desc = certificates peer error\n(identity files were still generated and saved, if you try again existing files will be loaded)”, “errorVerbose”: "error occurred while signing certificate: rpc error: code = Internal desc = certificates peer error\n(identity files were still generated and saved

I’m going to try the create storage node command again and then the authorize. It’s been 6 days since creating the node. If however you have an idea why I’m getting this error now, please let me know.

Thank you