Changelog v1.28.2 (title has already been used)

Arbitrary. You choose.

Exactly the same as TCP …
If you are redirecting TCP 28967 then same UPD 28967 …


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Yeah, it is already, since day one :sunglasses:.

for those that still needs to go through the process.

It seems that the docker tags latest and beta have not been updated and are still tagged to version 1.26.3.

Is there a reason that the docker images don’t get a proper tag per version eg. storjlabs/storagenode:v1.28.2? I prefer to keep my images from using latest and having to go find the correct image tag (945f22446-v1.28.2-go1.15.7 in this case) dissuades me from updating as often as I could.

The latest images was pushed rigth now:

And the 1.28.2 image is the same, see the digest code
But uploaded already 6 days ago… :wink:

Do not hurry too much. Once image is available watchtower perform update within several days.
Setup watchtower to decrease risk that you forgot to update.
Usually you probably have around a month to update node before you see any issue or missed traffic.


Just stumbled up on this and have a question: My docker nodes are still on “v1.26.3” so not on “v1.28.2”… I opened UDP now as well, didn’t restart the node but assume this will only work once watchtower updates to the latest right?

Nodes have been able to handle UDP for a few updates already. I don’t think a restart is necessary, but even if it is you might as well wait for watchtower to do its thing. There is no rush on this.

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it’s nice that this new version tell’s if QUIC isn’t working in the log

I do observe the following log entries in a node I just upgraded to 1.28, and which I know has no UDP redirected yet. So this seems to be an additional indicator of a missing UDP redirection. This test looks like being performed once an hour.

2021-05-04T16:44:46.548Z WARN contact:service Your node is still considered to be online but encountered an error. {"Satellite ID": "~~~", "Error": "contact: failed to dial storage node (ID: ~~~) at address ~~~:~~~ using QUIC: rpc: quic error: Timeout: No recent network activity"}


well udp is forwarded on my node and i get the same error every hour at bandwidth roll ups

If it’s every hour then it suggests your node doesn’t have UDP forwarded correctly. You can test it using

well there is a windows firewall rule for udp 28967 and a tcp on the gateway both tcp and udp are forwarded what did i miss please explain

Did you run the test?

If it’s working then great, it must be a blip which you can ignore
If the test fails then something must be blocking the UDP packets - firewall, anti-virus, router, ISP…

I have the same on both routers it’s setup / forwarded. Here is one example (I had two nodes running but only have one but kept forwarding for both):

The test says:

I didn’t change anything in the config etc… I run it with docker, is there also something to check UDP/TCP wise?


Yes you need to specify the UDP forward in your docker run command as mentioned here: Experimenting with UDP based protocols