Correct folder structures and privileges

Hi, I migrating node to new harddisk and import in a proxmox VM.
I’ve a structure like this:

/mnt/storj owner:owner drwx------
/mnt/storj/storage owner:owner drwxr-xr-x
/mnt/storj/staragenode owner:owner drwxr-xr-x (identity folder)

/mnt/storj/storage/orders owner:owner drwx------
/mnt/storj/storage/storage owner:owner drwx------

/mnt/storj/storage/storage/blobs owner:owner drwx------
/mnt/storj/storage/storage/garbage owner:owner drwx------
/mnt/storj/storage/storage/temp owner:owner drwx------
/mnt/storj/storage/storage/trash owner:owner drwx------

(owner is my username)

Is it correct double structure /storage/storage ?
If not, any way to fast fixing it ?


Looks normal. Why the doubt?

This only looks like to be the structure of the data-folder. The identity folder is at least as important.

The database folder might be important to you as well.

This is my structure:

root@Storj-node:~# cd /mnt/Storj-data/
root@Storj-node:/mnt/Storj-data# ls
config.yaml  orders  revocations.db  storage  trust-cache.json
root@Storj-node:/mnt/Storj-data/storage# ls
blobs  garbage  storage-dir-verification  temp  trash

Seems you executed setup command for /mnt/storj/storage, so this is why you see a second storage there.
To avoid confusion, I usually create a folder on mounted drive, i.e. storagenode2, moves there identity and provide it a different name, just name it identity instead of identity/storagenode2, and the final structure looks like this:

$ tree -d -L 2 /mnt/x/storagenode2/
├── identity
├── orders
│   ├── archive
│   └── unsent
└── storage
    ├── blob
    ├── blobs
    ├── garbage
    ├── temp
    └── trash
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