i know you have good command over your english.I am not here to explain like kids
(like a for apple, b for ball).I am into crypto for last 8 years, running several miners and several nodes. There is hardly any talk about storj node in youtube. i dont trust any youtuber and even what any company say about its own product. i read their docs and talk to customers(who are running the nodes) and check the forum or discord. i have 96tb of spare harddrive. RUNNIING THREE NODES…TWO ON MY OWN STATIC IP AND THE LAST ONE ON VPN. Its running since last four and half month, i will run this node for more 3mnts. Till now nodes storage is not upto my expectation and calculation. I dont run things on HOPE. Even i dont come too much on social media to waste my time.SO KEEP YOUR YOUTUBER ,YOUR SNO ,YOUR EGRESS ,YOUR ENGLISH AND YOUR ENCODER inside your head.There is no need to teach english to anybody.