Dashboard UX: Percentages

This is actually nowhere close. The score drops much faster. And you can’t fail anywhere near 40% of the audits. Which makes the percentage sign very misleading. I’d be surprised if a node could survive long term with 2% missing data.

I get that the inversion is confusing. I opted for that because there is no good naming for the suspension score that doesn’t sound like it isn’t a bad thing. Unknown audit score is used in the code, but that’s a seriously confusing name. Since the name is a negative, the score should reflect the negative. So I’m calling it a suspension score and a disqualification score.

If you want proof for the confusion. There have been many topics from people being scared of something being wrong because their suspension score showed 100%. I listed a few here: Earnings calculator (Update 2023-12-05: v13.1.0 - Now with support for different payouts per satellite - Detailed earnings info and health status of your node, including vetting progress) - #322 by BrightSilence
But there are many more. A negative name should imply negative effects if the score is high.

That’s where the gas analogy falls apart. The gas gauge represents how much gas you have, but the suspension score doesn’t represent how much suspension you have.

I get where you’re coming from and I would be fine with 100 being perfect and bad things happening at 0. But we would need a different and better name for the suspension score in that case.