DEBUG Fatal error: infodb: UNIQUE constraint failed: bandwidth_usage_rollups.interval_start

  1. Stop the storagenode docker stop storagenode
  2. run the sqlite3 container (replace the /mnt/storagenode to your path to the data):
docker run --rm -it -v /mnt/storagenode/storage/info.db:/data/info.db sstc/sqlite3 sqlite3 ./info.db`

And execute this SQL script:

SELECT datetime(strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:00:00', created_at)) created, bu.satellite_id sat_id, bu.action act , SUM(bu.amount) amt
                    FROM bandwidth_usage bu, bandwidth_usage_rollups bur
                WHERE datetime(created_at) < datetime(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)
                    AND bur.interval_start = created
                    AND bur.satellite_id = sat_id
                    AND bur.action = act
                GROUP BY created, sat_id, act;
  1. Exit from the sqlite3: .exit
  2. Post the result
  3. Also, better to have an exact date, when your storagenode has been updated.
    For the watchtower: docker logs watchtower 2>&1 | grep -A 3 -B 3 Found

The temporary solution is to delete the duplicated rows. You should take a date from the result of the query and insert it to the query below:
Replace the path to yours.

  1. docker stop -t 300 storagenode
  2. docker run --rm -it -v /disk2/storj/storage/info.db:/data/info.db sstc/sqlite3 sqlite3 ./info.db
delete from bandwidth_usage_rollups where interval_start = 'put-the-date-with-time-here';

for example: delete from bandwidth_usage_rollups where interval_start = '2019-07-24 15:00:00'; replace the date to your result!!!
3. .exit
4. docker start storagenode

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