Debugging space usage discrepancies

So, your node is failed to finish any filewalker, and the reason is

this is mean that your disk is too slow to respond. How this disk is connected to this PC? Is it SMR? What’s filesystem on this drive?

The recommendations how to reduce the response time:

  1. Stop the service
  2. Check the disk for errors and fix them
  3. Perform a defragmentation
  4. Enable automatic defragmentation if it were disabled (it’s enabled by default)
  5. Start the service
  6. Monitor for errors related to the filewalker.
  7. If you would still see errors with filewalkers, then disable the lazy mode and enable scan on the start if you disabled it, in your config.yaml:

save the config and restart the service. It will consume more IOPS than lazy, but should successful finish the scan. You need to keep it like this at least 2 weeks to allow your node to process two bloom filters for each satellite to move most of the garbage to the trash.
The trash will be cleaned automatically after a week.

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