Docker-compose , node not finding the db

i just created a new node, but i´m having some troubles

the directory data existists.

storj | Error: Error starting master database on storagenode: group:
storj | — stat config/storage/blobs: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/temp: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/garbage: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/trash: no such file or directory
storj | 2021-01-29T13:19:29.887Z INFO Operator email {“Address”: “email”}
storj | 2021-01-29T13:19:29.887Z INFO Operator wallet {“Address”: “wallet”}
storj | Error: Error starting master database on storagenode: group:
storj | — stat config/storage/blobs: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/temp: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/garbage: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/trash: no such file or directory
storj | 2021-01-29T13:19:31.702Z INFO Operator email {“Address”: “email”}
storj | 2021-01-29T13:19:31.702Z INFO Operator wallet {“Address”: “wallet”}
storj | Error: Error starting master database on storagenode: group:
storj | — stat config/storage/blobs: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/temp: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/garbage: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/trash: no such file or directory
storj | 2021-01-29T13:19:34.336Z INFO Operator email {“Address”: “email”}
storj | 2021-01-29T13:19:34.336Z INFO Operator wallet {“Address”: “wallet”}
storj | Error: Error starting master database on storagenode: group:
storj | — stat config/storage/blobs: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/temp: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/garbage: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/trash: no such file or directory
watchtower | time=“2021-01-29T13:05:24Z” level=info msg=“Waiting for running update to be finished…”
watchtower | time=“2021-01-29T13:08:15Z” level=info msg=“Waiting for running update to be finished…”
watchtower | time=“2021-01-29T13:16:58Z” level=info msg=“Waiting for running update to be finished…”
storj exited with code 1
storj exited with code 1
storj exited with code 1
storj exited with code 1
storj exited with code 1
storj | 2021-01-29T13:19:24.255Z INFO Operator email {“Address”: “email”}
storj | 2021-01-29T13:19:24.255Z INFO Operator wallet {“Address”: “wallet”}
storj | Error: Error starting master database on storagenode: group:
storj | — stat config/storage/blobs: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/temp: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/garbage: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/trash: no such file or directory
storj | 2021-01-29T13:19:26.303Z INFO Operator email {“Address”: “email”}
storj | 2021-01-29T13:19:26.303Z INFO Operator wallet {“Address”: “wallet”}
storj | Error: Error starting master database on storagenode: group:
storj | — stat config/storage/blobs: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/temp: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/garbage: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/trash: no such file or directory
storj | 2021-01-29T13:19:28.074Z INFO Operator email {“Address”: “email”}
storj | 2021-01-29T13:19:28.074Z INFO Operator wallet {“Address”: “wallet”}
storj | Error: Error starting master database on storagenode: group:
storj | — stat config/storage/blobs: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/temp: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/garbage: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/trash: no such file or directory
storj | 2021-01-29T13:19:29.887Z INFO Operator email {“Address”: “email”}
storj | 2021-01-29T13:19:29.887Z INFO Operator wallet {“Address”: “wallet”}
storj | Error: Error starting master database on storagenode: group:
storj | — stat config/storage/blobs: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/temp: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/garbage: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/trash: no such file or directory
storj | 2021-01-29T13:19:31.702Z INFO Operator email {“Address”: “email”}
storj | 2021-01-29T13:19:31.702Z INFO Operator wallet {“Address”: “wallet”}
storj | Error: Error starting master database on storagenode: group:
storj | — stat config/storage/blobs: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/temp: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/garbage: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/trash: no such file or directory
storj | 2021-01-29T13:19:34.336Z INFO Operator email {“Address”: “email”}
storj | 2021-01-29T13:19:34.336Z INFO Operator wallet {“Address”: “wallet”}
storj | Error: Error starting master database on storagenode: group:
storj | — stat config/storage/blobs: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/temp: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/garbage: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/trash: no such file or directory
storj | 2021-01-29T13:19:38.586Z INFO Operator email {“Address”: “email”}
storj | 2021-01-29T13:19:38.586Z INFO Operator wallet {“Address”: “wallet”}
storj | Error: Error starting master database on storagenode: group:
storj | — stat config/storage/blobs: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/temp: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/garbage: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/trash: no such file or directory
storj | 2021-01-29T13:19:46.031Z INFO Operator email {“Address”: “email”}
storj | 2021-01-29T13:19:46.031Z INFO Operator wallet {“Address”: “wallet”}
storj | Error: Error starting master database on storagenode: group:
storj | — stat config/storage/blobs: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/temp: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/garbage: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/trash: no such file or directory
storj | 2021-01-29T13:19:59.868Z INFO Operator email {“Address”: “email”}
storj | 2021-01-29T13:19:59.868Z INFO Operator wallet {“Address”: “wallet”}
storj | Error: Error starting master database on storagenode: group:
storj | — stat config/storage/blobs: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/temp: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/garbage: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/trash: no such file or directory
storj | 2021-01-29T13:20:26.535Z INFO Operator email {“Address”: “email”}
storj | 2021-01-29T13:20:26.535Z INFO Operator wallet {“Address”: “wallet”}
storj | Error: Error starting master database on storagenode: group:
storj | — stat config/storage/blobs: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/temp: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/garbage: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/trash: no such file or directory
storj | 2021-01-29T13:21:18.701Z INFO Operator email {“Address”: “email”}
storj | 2021-01-29T13:21:18.701Z INFO Operator wallet {“Address”: “wallet”}
storj | Error: Error starting master database on storagenode: group:
storj | — stat config/storage/blobs: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/temp: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/garbage: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/trash: no such file or directory
storj | 2021-01-29T13:22:19.699Z INFO Operator email {“Address”: “email”}
storj | 2021-01-29T13:22:19.699Z INFO Operator wallet {“Address”: “wallet”}
storj | Error: Error starting master database on storagenode: group:
storj | — stat config/storage/blobs: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/temp: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/garbage: no such file or directory
storj | — stat config/storage/trash: no such file or directory
storj exited with code 1

my docker-compose file looks like this

image: storjlabs/storagenode:latest
container_name: storj
- type: bind
source: /root/.local/share/storj/identity/storagenode
target: /app/identity
- type: bind
source: ./data
target: /app/config
- 28967:28967
- 14002:14002
restart: unless-stopped
stop_grace_period: 300s
- WALLET=0x34
- EMAIL=mail
- ADDRESS=ip:28967
# - host

image: storjlabs/watchtower
restart: always
container_name: watchtower
command: “storj watchtower --stop-timeout 300s --interval 21600”
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock

What files/dirs are in the ./data directory?

ls -al data/

If there’s nothing in there, you’ll need to run the following command once:

docker-compose run -e SETUP="true" storj

Then try running your node with a typical docker-compose up -d. Let me know if that works.

Thanks for the fast reply.
it is now working, or atleast i hope so, i see the webinterface and the log is saying:

edit: it is working. thanks!

storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:31.123Z INFO Configuration loaded {“Location”: “/app/config/config.yaml”}
storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:31.139Z INFO Operator email {“Address”: “mail”}
storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:31.140Z INFO Operator wallet {“Address”: “walet”}
storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:31.140Z INFO db database does not exists {“database”: “info”}
storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:31.140Z INFO db database does not exists {“database”: “bandwidth”}
storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:31.140Z INFO db database does not exists {“database”: “orders”}
storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:31.140Z INFO db database does not exists {“database”: “piece_expiration”}
storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:31.140Z INFO db database does not exists {“database”: “pieceinfo”}
storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:31.140Z INFO db database does not exists {“database”: “piece_spaced_used”}
storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:31.140Z INFO db database does not exists {“database”: “reputation”}
storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:31.140Z INFO db database does not exists {“database”: “storage_usage”}
storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:31.140Z INFO db database does not exists {“database”: “used_serial”}
storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:31.140Z INFO db database does not exists {“database”: “satellites”}
storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:31.140Z INFO db database does not exists {“database”: “notifications”}
storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:31.140Z INFO db database does not exists {“database”: “heldamount”}
storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:31.140Z INFO db database does not exists {“database”: “pricing”}
storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:31.140Z INFO db database does not exists {“database”: “secret”}
storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:31.615Z INFO Telemetry enabled {“instance ID”: “12MwLnk1mgEHKY9CnBBH7qHq8rCM5p1Z9sUKBU8GzTKbFwtmzo3”}
storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:35.727Z INFO db.migration Database Created {“version”: 47}
storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:36.210Z INFO preflight:localtime start checking local system clock with trusted satellites’ system clock.
storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:36.842Z INFO preflight:localtime local system clock is in sync with trusted satellites’ system clock.
storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:36.842Z INFO bandwidth Performing bandwidth usage rollups
storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:36.842Z INFO Node 12MwLnk1mgEHKY9CnBBH7qHq8rCM5p1Z9sUKBU8GzTKbFwtmzo3 started
storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:36.842Z INFO Public server started on [::]:28967
storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:36.842Z INFO Private server started on
storj | 2021-01-29T16:17:36.843Z INFO trust Scheduling next refresh {“after”: “5h33m0.493540518s”}

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Glad to hear! Also I can type 20 chars!

By the way, it’s better to run

docker-compose run --rm --no-deps -e SETUP=true storagenode

To do not leave orphaned exited container.

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