Docker eats all memory over time on mac

Is this still the only recommended version on Mac?

The Mac is a little bit different. We have had only one complain about the docker desktop for Mac and it’s in this thread.
From the observations the is most stable version with a minimum issues. But the Mac’s implementation could eat memory during work for some reason. As far as I understand, not all Macs behave the same way.
So, maybe the latest version is fit best for Mac specifically - just try and please give us a feedback.

Well I can say at this point that I’ve had tons of issues with both the latest version (3.x) and the latest 2.x version as well (it was 2.5.x something like that). Now that I rolled back to my nodes have been up and running for almost 24 hours without issue, which wasn’t possible before.

So it seems like there’s definitely some kind of issue with the newer versions.

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Looks like this restart logic is broken starting with Docker deskstop version 4.2.0 (70708). Just a PSA in case you come across this thread. Gonna comment out my crontab entry and see how long it’ll run. Hopefully whatever the underlying leak was has been fixed since I last posted.