I was looking at this page for a bit and I think most can be done with Storj. If you use uplink you can set the appropriate content type when uploading your files using --content-type
. You can also use that to create the appropriate access grant with all the right access rights. So I think setting the cross origin policy is what remains. I did see some mention of CORS on the github, but couldn’t find anything about how to set that up correctly. Perhaps a Storjling could help you out there.
You could avoid the CORS issues by hosting a static website on Storj. Even if just for testing purposes. Hosting a Static Website - Storj Docs
There is some info on how to set content type in this post: Static website: index.html does not open in browser, instead it downloads - #7 by sean
And creating an appropriate access grant is mentioned on the first link I posted, though it doesn’t go into details on access permissions. I believe it’s read only by default, but you might want to look into other settings with ./uplink share --help
Ps. I get why your previous post was flagged. But I also understand that the post limit can be annoying and you had a legitimate reason to keep posting. I’m not sure if the limit can be lifted on your original account, but that would be nice if it could. I never had the intention to alienate you with my previous posts, just to redirect the conversation into something more productive. I hope this helps a little and you can let us know which parts you get stuck on trying to implement this on Storj.