Earnings calculator (Update 2024-05-13: v14.0.0 - New version is only compatible with node v1.104 and up - Detailed earnings info and health status of your node, including vetting progress)

I’m running the script withot problems on a BTRFS snapshot without shutting down the node. Every day I get updated values.

That’s because the snapshot includes the .db-shm and .db-wal files.

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Hi! I’m a newbie on Linux, trying to run the script but I can’t find where my data is stored))) The node works all right, dashboard with online status.

sda 8:0 0 1.4T 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 0 1000M 0 part /boot
└─sda2 8:2 0 1.4T 0 part /mnt/storj

python earnings.py /mnt/storj
ERROR: bandwidth.db not found at: “/mnt/storj/storage” or “/mnt/storj”.
Enter the correct path for your Storj config directory as a parameter.

But I can’t find where the storage is, here is the content of /mnt/storj:


bin etc lost+found proc sbin tmp
boot home media revocations.db srv trust-cache.json
config.yaml lib mnt root storage usr
dev lib64 opt run sys var

Please help…

resolved) added “sudo” prior script, it works fine.

Hey all, a small update today to incorporate some of the neat features Storj has added to the web dashboard.

After noticing how similar the web dashboard looked to this earnings calculator I figured I might as well steal some of their best ideas back. :wink:


The differences in the totals displayed are caused by the fact that held back amount and related data aren’t available yet. My calculator doesn’t subtract held back amounts at all currently, but the web dashboard assumes 75% held back on all satellites.
I’ve already spotted a lot of interesting new variables that can be used in future updates to the calculator, but as of now, those aren’t yet filled. So we’ll have to wait for the satellites to back fill that info before I can add more. But as a sneak peak, I’ll likely be able to add more information about held back amounts and previous payouts soon.

I realize that for a lot of you, this calculator is probably no longer needed now that the web dashboard has the most important information available. So I also want to gauge future interest in this calculator as well. Please let me know whether you would still like to use it and if so why. I would also like to know if you plan to stop using it. And if it’s missing data you would like to see, please let me know that as well. Of course I’m limited to the data that the storagenodes actually keep, but I’ll try my best to add features that are requested.


v8.2.0 - Price and month estimate

  • Adds price per TB for download and storage
  • Adds an estimate for total earnings for the current month

New version looks great! I definitely still think this is valuable, at least until the figures on the dashboard become more reliable and accurate.


link please for download the last

Link to the github is in the top post.

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I really like it and use it a lot.
I think I’ll keep on using it when the dashboard is fully functional regarding to payouts.
It is always a good idea to have some tools available from third parties that can verify storj.

So I would be very happy if you can keep this tool up to date and working with future versions of storj.
Adding new features is always nice and appreciated, but I can understand that the effort/reward ratio is not in favour anymore


Hi. I have copy the databases form storj server into a folder on my win10. I tried python 3.7 and 3.8 with this: python earnings.py /C:/storjdb
and i getting this error: SyntaxError: invalid syntax.

What i’m doing wrong?

I dont think you need the extra / python earnings.py C:/storjdb also are you doing it from powershell?

Have tried with and without python

So I tested it it worked fine with the newest python I ran it in command prompt

this is how I ran it

H:\VM\database\earnings.py H:/VM/database

I’am a newbie.
Is this the right command?:
C:\storjdb\earnings.py C:/storjdb

yeah that looks right

Are you running it in command prompt?
like this

hmm. command prompt = cmd?

Yes command prompt cmd
