I am aware that this is an older thread, but I would like to lean towards the software RAID1 solution (pair of HDDs with the same capacity) + LVM, with which I have been working for long time, I solved a lot of problems and did not lose any data (that is, at least I don’t know about that ).
I use different pairs of disks connected in RAID1. I connected these MD disks to the necessary logical volumes via LVM and I’m just allocating the necessary space.
If I run out of free unallocated space, I simply release the PV (= RAID1 multi disk) and move the data somewhere else. After releasing, I disconnect the small disks and connect the larger ones. I will build RAID1 and return it to LVM as bigger PV.
When I start to run out of space on the logical volume for Storj, I allocate more (lvextend) …
Storj still sees one logical volume, which thanks to EXT4 and LVM I can “inflate” during full load.
Of course, this approach needs preparation (especially the boot partition) . It can also be done “while driving”, but it is more complicated.
I read many topics about “bad RAID”, but I really not spot any problems with it in my operations time. Maybe RAID5/6 should be faulty more like pure mirror. I dont know …
I like to have more controll over my storage server, so I chose maybe complicated solution, but working perfectlly for me :).