Err Powercut has just changed something?

Err, any ideas how to run fsck? Looks incredibly detailed (Sorry)

Did you at some time resize this disk to be larger than 2TB, when it was smaller than 2TB to begin with? Grub may have trouble reading stuff if the /boot partition is larger than this.

Hi Peter, I did install this OS as LVM I believe, so it may of taken a couple of installs to use the maximum free space I had at the time, maybe the first attempt was 2000G, then 2500G, before hitting the maximum of 2700G? I cannot say for sure, it’s been about 4-5 years ago I’m afraid.

I can certainly confirm that no resizing has occured (to the best of my memory) as I didn’t think LVM partitions could be resized?

There, that install (and partition size) has always been fixed at 2700G.

In your screenshot above, inside the VM there is no LVM partition (although in proxmox there is one, but that is not important rigth now), and the partition is bigger than 2TB and not as far as I can see, UEFI. Anyways.

The following workaround will fix it.

  • Install a brand new linux VM. 20G storage should do it easily. Fix network etc.
  • Install docker et al on it.
  • detach the hdd on the old VM in proxmox, and use “Reassign owner” under “Disk actions” to move it to your new VM instead.
  • attach it, and boot. Make sure you boot from the new small hdd of course. It should boot normally.
  • Once up, mount the old hdd (/dev/sdb3 or something, check with “lsblk”) under /mnt/storj (mkdir /mnt/storj first)
  • Adjust your docker run command with new paths to the identity and config/storage dirs. If you previously ran under a user other than root, you may have to change ownership of all files first.

dont run docker -e SETUP etc.

/mnt/storj obviously has your entire old linux installation if there is something you need from it. It shouldn’t take up too much space so you can just leave it.

Hopefully this works, at least more or less.

This may have some steps that you would consider hard to do if you haven’t done them before. It is a good opportunity to practice linux sysadmin skills :slight_smile:

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Peter, you’re obviously the man with the plan! Thankyou for your comprehensive reply. I’ve literally just arrived home from the dog walk and it seems fairly complicated alright!

The first problem that I can forsee is creating a 20G partition as I’m pretty sure that I’ve already used all of my available storage space*.

  • My storage pool is running at 80% capacity to ensure enough space should I have any overruns or ballooning VMs, I’ll have to double check and see exactly what space i have free.

On a slightly different vibe, I also have a slighltly newer PVE server (currently almost unused) as I only power this on for a specific gaming server, so this server definitely has spare capacity. Maybe if I use this one to possibly setup a recovery, then that would be better as no fear of loosing anything.

The downside is I cannot do anything just yet, I’m doing some outside DIY today and I’m having a delivery shortly but I’ll definitely get back on the case later tonight!

Good luck though!

I’m pretty sure that if you get stuck, someone here (maybe me) will be able to help you out.

Moving the old hdd image to another host would of course work, but would mean additional steps. Usually one can always find a spare couple of gigs for a small new VM :slight_smile:

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They can be resized and this is one of the killer features, because it allow you to manipulate partitions as you wish.
And likely this problem

can be solved, if you use LVM and if you have free space somewhere.

Apologies all, I’ve been a little consumed with this DIY project I’m involved with and to be honest I’m a little anxious of this whole Story mission I’ve got to undertake that I’ve basically been burying my head in the sand.

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No problem at all. But if you want to continue to participate in the project - I would suggest just install a new OS over (if you have the identity on the disk with data or can move it to there).

Yes, definitely… continue to participate in the project.

I’m just concerned I’m going to screw it up reinstalling. I like the idea of a ProxMox container, but I have no idea on how to keep previous nodes identity?

preferably it is recommended to have the identity of the node (the folder with 6 files) on the drive with data and have a backup copy somewhere else on the case, if it could be corrupted on the disk with data (but in this case your node likely will be disqualified for lost/corrupt data anyway).