Error starting master database on storagenode: stoage node database error: file is not a database

Thank you for reminding me that sqlite3 was written for cmd not powershell (forgot to remove the /). I’m now able to identify that the issue is with the orders.db file. I’ll be doing further investigation regarding how to repair that.

Just in case this helps further, here’s the output you asked for.

PS G:\Storj> ls

Directory: G:\Storj

Mode LastWriteTime Length Name

d----- 7/14/2020 10:11 AM blobs
d----- 7/14/2020 10:11 AM garbage
d----- 7/31/2020 1:48 PM storage
d----- 1/21/2020 6:50 PM storagenode
d----- 7/14/2020 10:11 AM temp
d----- 7/14/2020 10:11 AM trash
-a---- 7/14/2020 10:28 AM 32768 bandwidth.db
-a---- 6/26/2020 5:37 PM 6932 config.yaml
-a---- 1/21/2020 6:54 PM 6934 config_old.yaml
-a---- 7/14/2020 10:28 AM 24576 heldamount.db
-a---- 7/14/2020 10:28 AM 16384 info.db
-a---- 10/3/2019 4:57 PM 131072 kademlia
-a---- 7/14/2020 10:28 AM 24576 notifications.db
-a---- 7/14/2020 10:28 AM 32768 orders.db
-a---- 7/14/2020 10:28 AM 24576 pieceinfo.db
-a---- 7/14/2020 10:28 AM 36864 piece_expiration.db
-a---- 7/14/2020 10:28 AM 24576 piece_spaced_used.db
-a---- 7/14/2020 10:28 AM 24576 pricing.db
-a---- 7/14/2020 10:28 AM 24576 reputation.db
-a---- 7/14/2020 8:02 AM 32768 revocations.db
-a---- 7/14/2020 10:28 AM 32768 satellites.db
-a---- 7/14/2020 10:28 AM 20480 storage_usage.db
-a---- 7/14/2020 8:02 AM 1430 trust-cache.json
-a---- 7/14/2020 10:28 AM 20480 used_serial.db

PS G:\Storj\storage> ls

Directory: G:\Storj\storage

Mode LastWriteTime Length Name

d----- 4/27/2020 8:30 PM blobs
d----- 7/31/2020 9:51 AM db_backups
d----- 7/31/2020 9:38 AM garbage
d----- 7/31/2020 9:38 AM temp
d----- 5/11/2020 4:27 PM trash
-a---- 7/31/2020 1:49 AM 16089088 bandwidth.db
-a---- 7/31/2020 9:53 AM 53248 heldamount.db
-a---- 7/31/2020 9:38 AM 16384 info.db
-a---- 7/31/2020 9:53 AM 24576 notifications.db
-a---- 7/31/2020 7:53 AM 529207296 orders.db
-a---- 7/31/2020 9:53 AM 24576 pieceinfo.db
-a---- 7/31/2020 9:53 AM 147456 piece_expiration.db
-a---- 7/31/2020 9:53 AM 24576 piece_spaced_used.db
-a---- 7/31/2020 9:53 AM 24576 pricing.db
-a---- 7/31/2020 9:53 AM 24576 reputation.db
-a---- 7/31/2020 9:53 AM 32768 satellites.db
-a---- 7/31/2020 9:53 AM 286720 storage_usage.db
-a---- 7/31/2020 9:53 AM 50450432 used_serial.db