Feb. 8 Update on SNO Payouts and High Ethereum Gas Prices

Most of this is literally addressed in the top post. Switching to a different blockchain is at best a temporary solution until that blockchain hits their limits, it requires a massive development effort and migration effort. Only to run into the same limitations a year or 2 later. It’s wasted time when there are solutions available on the ethereum blockchain which also happens to have one of the best developer communities working on it and widest adoption among third party tools and platforms. I’m not getting into it any further, you can use the search function to find the many responses from Storj Labs themselves.


Please, use zkSync and receive payout much often than on L1.

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Please, opt-in for zkSync and receive payout much often than once a year. This is real solution and it’s working NOW, not after months of development and years of migration.

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It’s answered hundreds times.
Ok, I’ll point again:

Not all customers pay in USD, many paying in STORJ, because they will have a discount of 10%.

We independent on blockchain, yes. We uses token to be independent on fluctuations of the main token of the blockchain.

As I said many times to you and @tp19 in all other threads where you suggesting to switch a blockchain - it’s not easy. It requires development time (months), and years for migration. And this is even to not include all legal issues.
ANY new blockchain will have their uncovered bugs and glitches, we do not want to discover them. The more mature network is much more preferable, the ETH already have several solutions to lower fee - L2, ETH 2.0, batches and many more.
We implemented usage of L2, the zkSync in particular. It should help to mitigate a high fee issue.
I’m sure all other would be explored too and you may have an ability to add more supported features later.

Please, try to use search Search results for 'switch blockchain' - Storj Community Forum (official) it was answered many times. If you do not like the answer, I do not have other, sorry.
I do not understand, why you ask it over and over even if you have an answer and why you are ignore the solution which allows you to receive payout now?

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It’s not possible to pay in USD to any other country except US.
We have operators in 82 countries. In some countries you cannot receive a foreign currency if you are not a legal entity, in many others it’s even illegal.
There are a lot of restrictions around fiat, it’s nearly impossible to meet all of them for everyone.
The tokens can do that - you can receive payout in tokens without any issues and can sell them in fiat, accordingly your local laws.