Feedback on Layer 2 Payouts

When the crypto market tanked a couple of days ago, wouldn’t that have been the right time to do some transactions? Current Gas price is showing prices as low as 44 Gwei.

That brings me to the question, why Storj Labs is sticking to such a strict payout regime in an environment that fluctuates dramatically.
One of my ideas would be an implementation that tries to send out outstanding balances every single day. So this would mean to let’s say finalize balances during the first week of a month, and after that check Gas prices every day and send out all balances that meet the minimum on that specific day. Or better check twice a day or three times a day.

What I don’t understand is that payout has to be completed around the 15th, throwing literally half a month away of chances, where the Gas price could fall, like it just did which would have seemed (and still seems) to be a great chance to settle some outstanding balances.