Feeling saucy: SATA HDD -> NVMe SSD Spanned NTFS Volume

Very possible, especially since they only make 8GB THUMB drives at this point lol.

This is the 8TB SSD I was talking about, once it drops below $200 I might get it. Storj is demanding with I/O


Because itā€™s QLC, Iā€™m hesitant even though the price is cheap. It was $326 in Korea at the beginning of this year, but now it is over $550ā€¦:frowning:

Any powershell wizards able to do better than me for determining how much of my dynamic volume is used up per physical drive? Looks like Iā€™ll need to use DiskPart or some other utility, MS seems to have given up on dynamic disks. Yet another reason I should reconsider this path lol.

I canā€™t seem to find anything that will give me space available per drive, and itā€™s quite possible I never will if the OS sees the spanned volume as fully allocated.

Get-WMIObject Win32_DiskPartition -Filter "Type='GPT: Logical Disk Manager Data'" | `
Sort-Object DiskIndex, Index | `
Select-Object -Property `
@{Expression = {$_.DiskIndex};Label="Disk"},`
@{Expression = {Get-PhysicalDisk -DeviceNumber $_.DiskIndex | Select  -ExpandProperty FriendlyName};Label="Drive"},`
@{Expression = {"{0:N3}" -f ($_.Size/1Gb)};Label="Size_GB"},`
@{Expression = {"{0:N0}" -f ($_.NumberOfBlocks)};Label="NumberOfBlocks"}`
|ft -AutoSize
Disk Drive                   Size_GB   NumberOfBlocks
---- -----                   -------   --------------
   1 INTEL SSDPEKNU020TZ     1,907.603 4,000,533,135 
   3 INTEL SSDPEKNU020TZ     1,907.603 4,000,533,135 
   4 Samsung SSD 980 PRO 1TB 931.387   1,953,260,943 
   5 MSI M450 1TB            931.387   1,953,260,943 
   6 SPCC M.2 PCIe SSD       1,862.891 3,906,764,943 
   7 Fanxiang S660 4TB       3,725.897 7,813,772,943 

Disclaimer: havenā€™t tested this kind of setup. However, QLC seems like a perfect use case for Storj. The tricky thing for HDDs that storage nodes do are random reads, and QLC drives deal with them just fine. I think they should also be fine as a caching layer for storage nodes based on HDDs.

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The simplest thing is to run


Unfortunately, Windows refuses to divulge the space used per physical drive no matter what utility I try. I think since Microsoft effectively gave up on dynamic drives in favor of storage spaces I just have to accept Iā€™ll never know

To followup, Iā€™m on day 2 of my dynamic NVMe span and no issues at all. Iā€™m surprised how little drive activity there is on the SSD array vs. the old spinny HDD drive that was pegged at 90% utilization constantly. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll get bored and screw something up in the future, but for now itā€™s a great use of discount off-brand NVMes

I built a dashboard but sadly still no way to know how much space is used per drive.
AtomicInternet Storj Status


Blimey, Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d give ANY money for a ā€œFanxiangā€ drive :sweat_smile:

Tell me about it! I try to wait for Bu King to go on sale - or sometimes Goldenfir has deal around the holidays. A couple of weeks ago my buddy got a smoking deal on MemoryGhost - but they sold out fast! :wink:

(ā€¦but seriouslyā€¦ some of these Amazon vendor names are just random lettersā€¦)

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I was definitely surprised it actually formatted and held the advertised 4TB lol.


Just a note: since itā€™s all based on the controller letting the host know what the size is, the controller can simply lie and silently write data in a loop. The host sees 4TB transferred, while in reality the capacity is 1TB, just overwritten 4 times.

ā€œbigā€ USBs/SD cards used to be that way as well.


Correct, as most of the ā€œ1TBā€ thumb drives on Amazon do this.

I wrote out 4TB of Chia plots to the drive and then validated them to confirm this was actually holding 4TB of data. So at least for this drive, it has the fully addressable space advertised.


This span drive has been running great, until today my piece_expiration.db had corruption. So I followed the excellent ā€œHow to fix a ā€˜database disk image malformedā€™ā€ article and thought Iā€™d share disk utilization during heavy activity. This is during the DB rebuild phase. I was surprised none of the disks got over 40% utilization. What a strange beast Windows dynamic disk span is.

The usage shouldnā€™t be too high after the change in 1.105.x