Wenn du 2 PCs hast, laesst du die Ports wie sie sind. Du aenderst nur das Portforwarding im Router entsprechend und aenderst den externen Port in der Config von PC2 entsprechend.
“Opening ports” on a router is kind of a misnomer. You forward one external port to an internal port on one of your PC’s. You can only forward each external port once. That’s what you seem to do wrong.
What you should do is
forward external port 28967 to port 28967 on PC1
forward external port 28968 to port 28967 on PC2
on PC2 set the external port to 28968 and leave the internal port set at 28967
oder ausfuehrlicher hier
Ok, those two responses seem to contradict each other, yet they are both correct.
When the outside world is trying to reach a specific node, it basically has to go through a few steps. I’m going to include docker in case you want to use it on the other system or in case someone else with a docker setup has the same question.
Single node setup
outside world => 28967 => router => 28967 => node machine [ => 28967 => docker container]
Since all the ports are the same, you can just…