It is supported. The current requirement is to have a public IPv4. This will not change any time soon, because most of customers uses IPv4. But you may also advertise IPv6 as well, the dual stack nodes are welcome.
IPv6 only nodes will not be supported any time soon, because it will split the network. I explained it many, many times.
You have had opened the same threads many times: Search results for 'ipv6 @FREDY order:latest' - Storj Community Forum (official)
I would like to do not repeat the whole last your thread again.
There is nothing to discuss. IPv6 is fully supported, but not required by the customers. IPv6 only nodes will not be allowed to join any time soon (it’s required to have at least all customers uses a dual stack, which is far away from the reality).
See also: Search results for 'ipv6 order:latest' - Storj Community Forum (official)
The whole point is, that all our software supports IPv6 from the day zero. And from the day zero it was clear, that allowing to join IPv6 only nodes will split the network. So, IPv6 is nice to have, but your node must have a public IPv4. Thus - only a dual stack or at least IPv4 nodes can join the network.
They can. But we do not want to split the network:
We have.
The satellites will provide IPs to the customer, because we have had issues when the DNS server of the client was overloaded and they were not able to upload sometimes. So this burden is on the satellites now, they would resolve the last FQDN and cache it for some short time (up to several hours, if that one become a very popular choice of the customer). Sometimes it could not get an IP, if it was changed recently, this will immediately invalidate the cache (especially after implementing of the “choice of n” rule lately), so, it will be resolved when the node would check-in on the satellite the next time.