Gateway MT beta: looking for testers

@BrightSilence if you would like an invitation to US2 let me know; that satellite is currently in private beta.

I appreciate the offer @brandon. I’m mostly looking to expand my use of Synology Cloud Sync when this feature is available. This would require Gateway MT to be implemented as well, which I don’t think is the case on that satellite right?
Either way, I’m not looking to code for it right now, so I don’t know if I would be of much help as a beta tester atm. However if you think it would be of help, I’d be happy to try my use case on that satellite.

The US2 satellite does have the Gateway MT and it also has support for multipart upload; I’m not sure if Synology uses Multipart or not.

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Hi, with the s3-compatible beta, when setting up uplink, what satellite address should I use? If it’s “multi-region by design”, I should select the nearest one out of the main satellites?

To put it another way, what is the setup for uplink?

Using the US2-beta, I am attempting to use Transmit on the Mac to connect and manage buckets and files. I am able to successfully authenticate with the access key/secret created, and I can create buckets. Created buckets show up in the web UI as expected.

Uploading does not work, however. It appears as though Transmit is looking to get attributes of the bucket and failing or receiving a response it isn’t happy with. Within the GUI, Transmit simply reports “(null)” or “Key not found”. Transmit’s more verbose logging provides the following, given that “first” is the name of the bucket I’ve created:

 Connecting to “”
1: Listing “”
1: Creating bucket first
1: Changing to “/first”
1: Canceling…
1: Changing to “/first”
1: Canceling…
1: Listing “”
1: Getting attributes of first
1: Canceling…
1: Changing to “/first”
1: Uploading file “untitled file”
1: Canceling…

I receive the same types of errors if I try to delete a bucket:

1: **Getting attributes of first**
1: Canceling…
1: **Deleting folder “”**

However, the bucket remains.

The access grant I created is full access to all buckets.

Let me know if there’s more detail that would be helpful to debug this. Transmit is a relatively popular file transfer client on the Mac, which is why my first inclination was to try using it vs s3 cli tools :slight_smile:

Testing file upload/delete works as expected via CLI, so this appears to be related to something Transmit is doing… possibly with respect to bucket access policies.

@tedder we’ve noticed most people tend to choose the one which is closest to them, but the choice is yours – if you have more questions please let us know

@nofreeshrimp There was a bug in our support for Transmit, I’m not sure if it has been deployed yet. I’ll get an update back today or tomorrow.