Geofencing and advanced placement-constraint support #4227

I would add that repair workers are even hosted elsewhere and run independent from the satellite core systems.
More info on that here: storj/docs/blueprints/ at 778e7e100d637e491f19bf377e8d8a2ebdba3096 · storj/storj · GitHub

Not sure how it would be related to this proposal specifically. But the ruling sure is interesting and I’m not entirely sure why google fonts is singled out here. You’re IP is literally shared with any third party domain you include any type of content from. This includes, images, fonts, videos, embedded frames etc. It seems like the ruling has a much broader scope than just Google fonts, based on the reasoning for it.

So yeah, same here. No reason to single out one specific thing. Based on their arguments this would apply to any resource pulled from a third party domain. (which btw, pretty much impacts any website in existence)