"GET_REPAIR”, “error”: “used serial already exists in store”

Thx @SGC. It was already confirmed by devs, that it is an issue with the QUIC libs and there was a fix with version 1.52.2, which did not help yet. It is about the reusage of a serial with TCP and QUIC, where one single serial should only be used once. Here is a full description.

The same appears, from my understanding, to this one, as referenced here. It is not proofed at all, that those error logs have any remarkable impact on the scores, as they do not occur that often.

Anyway, I can confirm your stats, mine are similar. I can also confirm the drop in download successes, which went to 89.xx% last days (included in the log selection below).

========== AUDIT ============== 
Critically failed:     0 
Critical Fail Rate:    0.000%
Recoverable failed:    0 
Recoverable Fail Rate: 0.000%
Successful:            549 
Success Rate:          100.000%
========== DOWNLOAD =========== 
Failed:                214 
Fail Rate:             0.391%
Canceled:              721 
Cancel Rate:           1.317%
Successful:            53827 
Success Rate:          98.293%
========== UPLOAD ============= 
Rejected:              0 
Acceptance Rate:       100.000%
---------- accepted ----------- 
Failed:                14 
Fail Rate:             0.009%
Canceled:              276 
Cancel Rate:           0.170%
Successful:            162466 
Success Rate:          99.822%
========== REPAIR DOWNLOAD ==== 
Failed:                3 
Fail Rate:             0.008%
Canceled:              1 
Cancel Rate:           0.003%
Successful:            35636 
Success Rate:          99.989%
========== REPAIR UPLOAD ====== 
Failed:                0 
Fail Rate:             0.000%
Canceled:              9 
Cancel Rate:           0.016%
Successful:            57803 
Success Rate:          99.984%
========== DELETE ============= 
Failed:                0 
Fail Rate:             0.000%
Successful:            156497 
Success Rate:          100.000%

Haha, recently another one occured, which is funny - as the download of the piece was twice (!!) successful, before the download was tried a third time and went into “used serial already exists in store”. I’ll post the logs on GitHub (only).