Got my Tardigrade invite. Decided to run a couple of speed tests

I only tested with a single 3.4GB file and no other files in my bucket on satellite europe.

Deleting a 3.4GB file took 40s in my case.
LS with only one file was basically instant, didn’t time it.

I reported my other findings here already: Production readyness?

The download speed maxed out at 25MB/s but was consistent over time according to netdata even though the cli showed it dropping at times even below 1MB/s.

The upload was limited due to my internet connection to 5MB/s but was consistent over time according to netdata although the cli at times got below 100kB/s.

The sad part was that my first upload failed because a piece could only be uploaded to 75 nodes instead of at least 80… that should never happen.