I would just remove the progress indicator altogether. It looks like it is confusing indeed, and all that matters is that the process was started, so a yes/no flag “exiting” is enough. The rest, as @arrogantrabbit says.
It seems that after GE finishes, there is no confirmation of success or a confirmation ID.
It just says:
No graceful exit in progress.
It’s like it never started.
Then it perhaps even not started?
Do you have old logs? They should have something related to GE.
Also, if you did remove the databases, it perhaps lost the GE request.
I didn’t remove dbs, there is nothing in the logs because I don’t use lazzy mode, and with that turned off, nothing is logged about walkers, except startup piece scan.
I regularly checked the GE status and it showed that is on with the usual Success-No, Receipt-, etc.
By now it should be finished, because I started more than 30 days ago.
The only thing that I did was to move dbs from boot drive to storage drive. I triple checked to not let anything behind.
I’m thinking to delete all dbs and the piece-expiration directory, and run a startup piece scan.
Than try to GE Saltlake again to see what happens.
I would interested in the results as well. Usually if the GE is finished, you should get a receipt or node would be DQ.
I do not expect to have a third state.
I stopped and rm the node, deleted dbs and pieces_expiration dir, I restarted with startup piece scan on, finished the scan and the same message: No graceful exit in progress.
The ingress was zero, though.
I started again the GE process on the same satellite (SL), and now it shows the usual:
Domain Name Node ID Percent Complete Successful Completion Receipt
saltlake.tardigrade.io:7777 xxx 0.00% N N/A
So, the satellite knew that the node GE from it, but the node didn’t know this.
How can this info be lost?
I only moved dbs to storage drive and did a pragma check and vacuum.
What happens now? I wait again 30 days for the GE to finish and the data be sent to trash?
What about the satellite? It sees another GE from the same node…
What about my collateral? How can I check if the held back was returned or will be returned?
Can someone look into it? I can send the node ID.
After writing this, I checked again the status and the GE is complete:
Domain Name Node ID Percent Complete Successful Completion Receipt
saltlake.tardigrade.io:7777 xxx 100.00% Y xxx
It consist of two parts: in the satellite DB and in the node DB. I believe it’s not backported, if it’s missing in the node’s database.
It should be included to the nearest payout. You may check that on your dashboard, when you would have a link to TX in the Payout history. You also may see how much it was calculated for the particular satellite, either in the Payout history or using a Custom range on the Payout information page.
A post was split to a new topic: Trash is not updated after the Graceful Exit is completed