Has Storj ever looked into the cctv market?

Below is my complete guide for setting up a Reolink camera to backup to FTP hosted on Tardigrade. The setup was conducted on a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Server installation. I generally recommend using tmux or byobu to allow one to open multiple shell windows. This guide uses the following components:


Create and fund a Tardigrade.io account. Create a project and an API Key as shown on the Tardigrade documentation site.

Uplink S3 Gateway and AWS CLI Tool

Install Uplink S3 Gateway.

$ curl -L https://github.com/storj/gateway/releases/latest/download/gateway_linux_amd64.zip -O && unzip gateway_linux_amd64.zip
$ chmod 755 gateway
$ sudo mv gateway /usr/local/bin/gateway

Also install the aws CLI tool.

$ sudo apt install awscli

Complete the S3 Gateway setup with the satellite, API key, and encryption password.

$ gateway setup
Select your satellite:
        [1] us-central-1.tardigrade.io
        [2] europe-west-1.tardigrade.io
        [3] asia-east-1.tardigrade.io
Enter number or satellite address as "<nodeid>@<address>:<port>" [1]: 1
Enter your API key: <api key>
Enter your encryption passphrase:
Enter your encryption passphrase again:

With your permission, Tardigrade can automatically collect anonymized analytics information from your S3 Gateway and send it to Storj Labs (makers of Tardigrade) to help improve the quality and per
formance of our products.
Do you agree to submit such information to Storj Labs (y/N): y

Your S3 Gateway is configured and ready to use!

Some things to try next:

* See https://documentation.tardigrade.io/api-reference/s3-gateway for some example commands

Run the gateway

$ gateway run
2020-05-06T02:00:50.481Z        INFO    Configuration loaded    {"Location": "/home/ubuntu/.local/share/storj/gateway/config.yaml"}
2020-05-06T02:00:50.489Z        INFO    Starting Storj S3-compatible gateway!

2020-05-06T02:00:50.490Z        INFO    Endpoint:

2020-05-06T02:00:50.490Z        INFO    Access key: <access key>

2020-05-06T02:00:50.491Z        INFO    Secret key: <secret key>

Configure the aws CLI tool

$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: <access key>
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <secret key>
Default region name [None]:
Default output format [None]:

Create a new bucket in the Tardigrade project for the FTP data.

$ aws s3 --endpoint=http://localhost:7777/ mb s3://ftp
make_bucket: ftp


Install vsFTPd.

$ sudo apt install vsftpd

Create a vsftpd.conf file, replacing <local IP address> with your local IP address.

$ sudo su -
$ mv /etc/vsftpd.conf /etc/vsftpd.conf.bak
$ cat > /etc/vsftpd.conf << EOF
pasv_address=<local IP address>
$ exit

Add the local FTP user to the vsftpd.userlist file and start the vsftpd service.

$ echo "ubuntu" | sudo tee -a /etc/vsftpd.userlist
$ sudo systemctl enable vsftpd
$ sudo systemctl start vsftpd

Create a local folder for the ubuntu user in the FTP root.

$ sudo mkdir /srv/ftp/ubuntu
$ sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu /srv/ftp/ubuntu


s3fs is used to create a local mount point for the vsFTPd user folder hosted on Tardigrade and exposed via the Uplink S3 Gateway.

Install s3fs.

$ sudo apt install s3fs

Create a credentials file for s3fs with the S3 Access key and Secret key as defined in the Tardigrade gateway tool.

$ echo <access key>:<secret key> > ${HOME}/.passwd-s3fs
$ chmod 600 ${HOME}/.passwd-s3fs

Mount the S3 bucket to the local /srv/ftp/ubuntu directory created during the vsFTPd installation.

$ s3fs ftp /srv/ftp/ubuntu -o passwd_file=${HOME}/.passwd-s3fs \
  -o url=http://localhost:7777/ -o use_path_request_style

Reolink POE Camera FTP Setup

I have a few Reolink POE RLC-420-5MP turret security cameras that I generally access via RTSP but they also allow for FTP connectivity. In the Web UI of the camera, I’ve set the FTP server settings and set the mode to passive (i.e. PASV). For this test, I’m taking a still image every 30 seconds for 24/7 upload.

With these settings, I can confirm that the files are showing on the local mountpoint as well as the S3 bucket.

$ tree -r /srv/ftp/ubuntu
└── 2020
    └── 05
        └── 05
            ├── Front_Door_01_20200505221130.jpg
            ├── Front_Door_01_20200505221100.jpg
            ├── Front_Door_01_20200505221041.jpg
            └── Front_Door_01_20200505221038.jpg

3 directories, 4 files
$ aws s3 --endpoint=http://localhost:7777/ ls s3://ftp/2020/05/05/
2020-05-06 04:11:34     333027 Front_Door_01_20200505221130.jpg
2020-05-06 04:10:42     262144 Front_Door_01_20200505221038.jpg
2020-05-06 04:10:37          0
2020-05-06 04:11:04     333836 Front_Door_01_20200505221100.jpg
2020-05-06 04:10:45     330283 Front_Door_01_20200505221041.jpg

Hopefully this helps shed some light on how one could leverage FTP to connect CCTV to Tardigrade. I’ll keep this running for a while to test out the stability.


Along with links scattered throughout this post, I found the below article instrumental in getting the above setup working for me.

  1. Cloud Academy S3 FTP: Build a Reliable and Inexpensive FTP Server Using Amazon’s S3