Has Storj Labs lost 1k SNOs in a month?

According to http://storjnet.info/ beginning of May there were appr. 13.100 nodes while at the end of May there were only around 12.100 left.

chia was a result that people closed nodes


Probably, but the decline has already stopped. It was to be expected that some would chase the Chia riches. My guess is that next month the numbers go up again.


It because Truth of life punch to the head after some time, that you cant go reach over night, week, month. Youtube made lot of ilusions about chia. After 3 weeks of 0 profit on chia(I used spare space not yet ocupied by storj) i gome to HPOOL and it bring me some additional profit to storj, I have over 100 TB on storj and 50 TB on chia. So taking profit from boath projects. For chia I used All spare HDDs that had bad sectors and i thinked throw away, not intended to use on storj.
I ploting my last plots for chia as geting out of space. profit about 0.020-0.025 chia a day.
As i yet ploting dont know how fast it start lowering as i stop it. I think it decreas vere fast in a mater of one month or max 3 minths to nothing.

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So if another coin promises more return on offered storage, people will shut down nodes easily in big numbers. 1000 out of 13100 is around 7% loss in a very short period of time. However it does not tell how much space and real data has vanished with that and how much repair costs have occurred.
Is there a number known how much nodes the network can lose without being impacted? 50%? 70%?
If Chia is the reason for it and it would have been more profitable I am really wondering how many more nodes would have left. That is really something Storj Labs needs to take into account also when they might going to amend the earning model for nodes some time in the future. Maybe in a way to give additional incentive for long term nodes. So that SNOs keep being interested to stay.

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You are relying heavily on third party website to draw those conclusions.

I am wondering when is the next Town Hall to get more updates on Storj.


True. But this is all I have.

Yes, there weren’t any for quite some time now.

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last month was good month on Storj, I made almost 500 usd, for me it is bigger profit than on chia.

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If storj doesn’t communicate then there aren’t any other options.

7% of the network also isn’t 7% of the data stored on the network…
there will be a lot of small irrelevant nodes still being vetted as for the past 6 months it’s taken a long time for nodes to get vetted…

so i really wouldn’t worry about a few nodes leaving.

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Well the truth is, we don’t know. We had some announcements on the forum of SNOs who claimed to have large amount of data and would be leaving for Chia.

The magic number would be what their node churn costs are doing - and I doubt they would disclose that.

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this is true… ofc that’s why the held amount exists… however in it’s current form the held amount system is very flawed as one can simply wait it out and then end up with node that basically have no held amount…

this demolishes the incentive to do graceful exists, which storjlabs should most likely fix before they end up regretting it.

Hey Everyone, you might be interested in this post I just made: Publicly Exposed Network Data (official statistics from Storj DCS satellites)


Some people remember, I said I’d give any number of disks to storj. And so it was, until the discs jump in price several times. With the advent of chia. First unused tens of TB was occupied, then I started to remove the nodes, freeing the discs.
In storj i provide 220TB Total 160TB used. (mostly on raids)

To make the cost of using free 60tb i need to rent and tunnel the ips. Manage additional locations. Pay more providers links. This is an additional cost and hemorrhoids.

The truth is that storj no need my drives.
Or worse, real customers don’t need storj for it price.

By now, I’ve got 12 chia. 180TB occupied.


Wow 12 chia? I’m still plotting on the free space, its getting there but plotting takes so long (even on SSDs) and so far haven’t farmed anything. Waiting for the pools as well but heard that you have to re-plot again.
But for the shift - I don’t understand why people would move away from storage to chia just now, don’t see the profit here.

It’s technically on average still more profitable. If you forget about the fact that you’re not going to win any blocks at all. The problem is, pools probably won’t go live for another month, since they now say “June” for testnet. And in about a month time, Storj will be more profitable than Chia according to chiacalculator.com’s prediction. So people took a gamble on a short term thing. It probably worked out for some of them. But they’ll be back soon. Except if they trashed their nodes, they will have to start over from 0. In the mean time, those who stuck around now get to profit from their data. I’ll take that deal.


How much space are you reserving to reach that monthly sum?

I have over 100TB filed and several network connections.

I have only 5TB … :frowning:

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