How often does that happen? Storj storage mediums do get hammered by massive I/O requests when the filewalker rebrowses the entire set of stored pieces. But this happens only after:
- A restart of the node.
- An update to the latest version of the Storj node software… because it restarts the node.
If this happens more often than regular updates, then it could be that your node is regularly crashing and restarting. This can happen if your system runs out of RAM and kills any greedy process, which could be caused by:
- A hard drive disk that cannot keep up, making the node stack incoming pieces in a wait queue until there’s not more RAM left
- A failing hard drive not responding
- Not enough RAM… ^^
- …
It could also restart because of an error within the Storj node software itself (unlikely).
What does your dashboard show in the “uptime” section? If it’s abnormally low compared to your other nodes, it means it unexpectedly restarted.
If you configured your nodes to redirect its logs to a file, you could check whether it contains obvious restart sequences in it, at what dates and after what operations/errors.
If you did not, you should configure this so you can check whether the log file contains useful info just before the crash.
Here is how to configure that: