High Trash usage - 27 TB - no more uploads

if you go into the trash folder there are four subfolders with really long id’s, that’s one for each storj satellite:

Satellite info (Address, ID, Blobs folder, Hex) - Node Operators / FAQ - Storj Community Forum (official)

for our purposes that doesn’t really matter.

inside each one, they will be broken down by date. they were already shuffled there by the garbage collection job (taken out of “blobs” and put into ‘trash’)

if the date is older than seven days. it shouldn’t be there. maybe the emptying trash job has failed or is just waaay behind.

So you shouldn’t have to delete folders older than seven days, but it won’t hurt anything if you do it. And again these may have millions of files so a simple “rm” or windows delete command could take many many hours.