Hosting a Static Website possible?

Yes. But not like on aws s3.
You can upload your static website to the bucket and create a share link for it.
At the moment you should list all objects which you want to share.
The sharing a whole bucket doesn’t work at the moment, but it should be fixed soon.
For example,

./uplink mb sj://test
echo '<html><body>Hello world! <br> <img src="tardigrade.png"></body></html>' | ./uplink put sj://test/index.html
./uplink cp ./tardigrade.png sj://test/
./uplink share sj://test sj://test/index.html sj://test/tardigrade.png --readonly --not-after "+1h"

You will get a long URL for you share. You will access your static website like

The only problem which I can see there, that is how to short this long URL to get a pretty URL.