No, it recursively calculate the usage in the provided path. So, if you provided the path to the trash folder, it will calculate all expired usage.
I guess the problem could be related to
But then you have one total for the trash and not for the date folders. So you don’t know where the files are.
PS C:\Users\Администратор> Get-ChildItem M:\67\trash\ukfu6bhbboxilvt7jrwlqk7y2tapb5d2r2tsmj2sjxvw5qaaaaaa\2024-03-30\ -File -Recurse | Where-Object {$.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-7)} | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum | %{“Total {0:f2} MB`ncount {1}” -f ($.Sum/1e6), $_.Count}
Total 206480,39 MB
count 2153194
Total 12197,62 MB
count 93335
Total 23171,99 MB
count 232453
Total 3848,34 MB
count 31608
Total 89792,99 MB
count 775710
Total 34,00 MB
count 372
still a good question what to do?
It looks like creating folders and moving files into them is working on your node.
However deleting from the date folders seems not work.
You should check in your logs if there is some information that deletion from the trash does not work.
Did you check if you maybe happen to have nested date folders like this:
According to @thepaul:
@Alexey in topics before told NOT to delete old folders because of disqualification possibility
Showing the same thing here… Thats a lot of trash!
Your situation is different, because the folders older than 7 days should have been deleted already long ago. That is you issue.
If you don’t need the space you can wait until Storj has a fix for those folders not getting deleted.
Well then leave them.
But what are you complaining about then?
do i need this space- definitely yep!
is it save to delete it- noop according to this topic
i really will be happy for any kind of solution - best will be automatic deletion. worst (hopefully temporary)- allow to delete this folders without facing disqualification
Guys- just came to the idea!!!
can it be that deletion is blocked by the situation when user (or system) decides to recover files from trash folder!!!
No. You have folders that are older than 7 days which should be long gone.
Obviously the automatic deletion is not working on your node.
So there is an issue, probably a bug.
If you don’ want to delete the date folders that are older than 7 days manually then you will have to wait until the bug is fixed and automatic deletion works again for you.
It would help if you would provide logs so from when the trash deletion tries to delete the folders and if you respond to the question if you have nested date subfolders like what I have posted.
What’s the result of the script?
This is the “-8” results:
PS C:\Users\Admin> Get-ChildItem e:\Storage\trash\ -File -Recurse | Where-Object {$.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-8)} | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum | %{“Total {0:f2} MB`ncount {1}” -f ($.Sum/1e6), $_.Count} Total 1173726.04 MB
count 7566064
Which seems to me 1.1TB (roughly) that shoud not be there?
@Alexey in my case, I was able to troubleshoot to the point it seems to be a database issue.
Trash folder in Windows is cleaned, but Dashboard is still showing 1.73TB trash.
This has a direct impact in my node´s income, as I have 2.73TB Disk Free but I can´t get any pieces.
Can you please help?
The help is simple - if you have not disabled the used-space-filewalker
on start, you may just restart the node, it will recalculate the used space and update databases.
However, we seems have a bug, when the lazy trash filewalker didn’t update the database after the finish, but with the lazy mode is disabled it updates it. I would hope that this bug will be fixed soon.
I believe that’s why I didn’t saw this problem, because I dont have FW on, but the lazzy is also off. So the dashboard always showed correct numbers.
So, lazzy mode should be disabled!
I have it enabled (i think)?
How can I confirm it´s enabled please?
I have nothing on my YAML file with “used-space-filewalker”
The used-space-filewalker
is regulated by the option
or the analogue for the config.yaml
storage2.piece-scan-on-startup: true
This is the default by the way, so you do not need to add it explicitly.
The lazy mode is regulated by the option
this is again the default value.
The config.yaml
analogue will be
pieces.enable-lazy-filewalker: true
If you would change these parameters with any of the ways, you need to restart the node (re-create the container for docker).