How To Forget Untrusted Satellites

I did run it and:

What am I missing?

Why is my Dashboard so different than yours? Is it the multinode dashboard?
Or for Windows nodes is different than for Docker?
I donā€™t know whatā€™s the problem with mineā€¦ maybe that error in the log is related to the dashboard missing info.
I donā€™t know how to debug a database, but if someone from the dev team is willing to investigate, I can send him all databases from one node.
I did the forget-sat for 9 nodes.

Yes, Alexey has the multinode dashboard running. You can see in the upper right corner the ā€œAdd new nodeā€ Button


Yes, itā€™s a multinode dashboard.
Could you please show the issue? I now think that you mean a single node dashboard, not MND.

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Thatā€™s a lot of open tabs there! :wink:

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Yes. Itā€™s a single node Dashboard. After the forget-satellite command, the Payout history is not displayed anymore, for any satellite. I posted the correct dashboard from a new node, that has all satellites shown. The broken one dosenā€™t show anything, and maybe is related to the error message in the log.
See here:

Is it possible that you purged all satellites?
Please also check databases on any case.

Nope. The other sats are fine. I can access the usage history for them, for previous months. Only the payout history is empty. If their db was purged, it means there is a bug somewere. I didnā€™t put their IDs nowere, not in config, not in run. I will check dbes, but I intend to delete them all, when Iā€™m updated to 104. I need to run the filewalker anyways, better start fresh. I have the history in a xls file, so nothing is lost.

I removed that line about untrusted sats from config.yaml and stop, restart node, and voilaā€¦ the payout history is back.
I donā€™t know if the config was to blame or the second stop/restart did the trick. I donā€™t want to test it anymore. Now the GE and forgot Saltlake shows also on the dashboard, but I wonā€™t edit config.yaml again. I will let it be.

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Does this command work on satellites you have been disqualified on?

I have just done this and everything went through successfully :slight_smile:

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It is not working for me.

One node got disqualified and I do:

docker exec -it storagenode ./storagenode forget-satellite --force 121RTSDpyNZVcEU84Ticf2L1ntiuUimbWgfATz21tuvgk3vzoA6 12L9ZFwhzVpuEKMUNUqkaTLGzwY9G24tbiigLiXpmZWKwmcNDDs --config-dir config --identiy-dir identity

Nothing happends it only shows me the list of available commands.

I think you should use my commands:

Yours dosenā€™t look like mineā€¦ especialy that /app/storagenode thingy.
I think it cleans out all the data from any sat you specify there, no matter if you DQ or GE or not.

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Well you should not type commands when youā€™re tired:

Using your command made it magically workā€¦


Perhaps. Did you try? I know, you have had a one DQ node.

Please try to put all flags before the satellites list.

Seems my comments are lateā€¦

No it was this:

ā€“identiy-dir identity

where it should have been

ā€“identity-dir identity

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I need help, I unfortunately set the saltlake satellite (1wFTAgs9DP5RSnCqKV1eLf6N9wtk4EAtmN5DpSxcs8EjT69tGE) to untrusted. How do I reset it?TiA

How exactely did you do that? Did you run the command? Forget-satellite?
If yes, than itā€™s gone, because the blob folders are deleted in the process and the sat dq-s you.
If you didnā€™t run the command, than just remove it from the config and restart.

If they didnā€™t specify the --force flag, I believe that only databases data is purged, but not blobs.
In this case the removing from the untrusted list should make it available again, unless this node is already disqualified on that satellite.
So a timing is playing the role too.