How to limit / cap bandwidth (inbound & outbound transfer speed)

What kind of super-fan can draw that much?!
Home-class fans are around 2 to 5w only.

When yours is on, it must be… WAW, I mean…
I’m picturing you trying to walk towards it and failing at doing so coz the blast of air is too damn strong :rofl:

Maybe total watts for about 6 fans around 13watt each could equal 78 watts Im not exactly sure of the wattage for server grade fans but there not quiet fans and they do use more power then most. But for sure not 70watts for 1 fan.

it’s a real issue, when i was checking my fans because i had some issues with them and i … well long story short, the cables got corroded so they broke and i fixed it with new cables but they didn’t exactly fit into the mounts for each fan replacements in the server and ended up on cables so they can be connected without being in the mount…

so they fly… quite literally they will lift themselves off the table and try to fly away ofc being wildly unstable and attached by a cable so … very annoying and so damn loud.

maybe it’s 6.8watts … 68 does seem kinda high… they fly and are very loud… ill check them out tomorrow i got a spare in the server room
maybe its 68 for all 3 … but even that seems high when i compare to something similar on ebay the highest seems to be around 12watts.
only really looked at it like a year ago when i had to replace one of them.

but yeah certainly not 68watts each :smiley: the full server only uses 280watts, should have gotten a 4U server so i could use bigger slower and quieter fans…

You make your server sound like the most janky setup I have ever imagined… Probably a fire hazard… I hope you have a fire extinguisher right next to it.

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it’s really not that bad… i really should get the hdd’s that is spilling out the back of it, moved into it tho…
so that i could get my rear window installed, would be great to be able to screw down the pcie cards again…

there just isn’t really room for them in the bays, because either the backplane is bad or there is corrosion somewhere that i haven’t found, or some cables are bad… but haven’t really bothered because that means shutting it down and i don’t have a replacement system to run all the drives…

have been thinking about getting a sata splitter for sata cables running out the back, so i can hook up more drives :smiley: and yes the 10 year old sata controller supports 20tb drives and sata splitters :smiley: would take the janky to the next level tho…

but really it’s not that bad lol most of the server is actually inside it…

got around to checking my fan’s today they are 12 volt 1.5 amp the new one might be slightly higher because it really kicks out more air than the older ones, tried to get the same and got very close…

so just slightly less than 60 watts… maybe i did the math based on the numbers on the new one and thats how i got the 68watt number for the fan array.