Identity_darwin_amd64 authorize storagenode generates crazy error

I typed
./identity_darwin_amd64 authorize storagenode

and got

2019-09-06T21:51:16.472-0400	e[31mFATALe[0m	Unrecoverable error	{"error": "error occurred while signing certificate: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = invalid token error: delimiter missing\n(identity files were still generated and saved, if you try again existing files will be loaded)", "errorVerbose": "error occurred while signing certificate: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = invalid token error: delimiter missing\n(identity files were still generated and saved, if you try again existing files will be loaded)\n\tmain.cmdAuthorize:199\n\\n\\n\*Command).execute:762\n\*Command).ExecuteC:852\n\*Command).Execute:800\n\\n\tmain.main:81\n\truntime.main:200"}

Hey @mauricev and welcome to the forums!

You must also supply your auth token, for example:

./identity_darwin_amd64 authorize storagenode

Have you received one in your email?