I'm done... 4th time the database has randomly corrupted FTS. I'm out!

I stumbled on this topic by chance. I am so happy I read it, I will change the cache settings on my Windows node as soon as possible. In order to do so, I guess it will be a good decision to stop all the storj services first, remove the cache setting and finally restart the computer.


Apparently, one of the “few big idiots”.

That’s rubbish. We all learn new things every day just keep the glass empty to let all the knowledge in.

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@nerdatwork totally agree with you. It was just funny to be stumbled on such topic and be part of the ones, less experts, that should learn by their own mistakes.

Tbh the discussion whether it is correct to leave less expert users learn on their own or to help them by guiding it is something that makes me reflect. It is an approach which I could understand in other situations (Linux community for example) as it is a duty of the student to learn and search the solution to his problem. In the case of storj I believe that the situation is a bit different.

In any case, as previously written a balance between informing and keeping the guides essential, will be searched. Not an easy task… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Compliments for the topic it definitely caught my interest!


We are learning too. If you think we got all details from engineers - you misinformed. :slight_smile:
This is why alpha/beta is needed
Most info we got from you and your colleagues SNOs and trying to put a useful one to the documentation.


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