Indentity problems

i checked it, is i rename my new indetity folder, node not start any more.

Try like this:

identity.exe create new_forum_storagenode

it will generate a new identity in the "%AppData%\Storj\Identity\new_forum_storagenode".
Do not rename it, use exactly the expanded path in your storagenode configuration file.
To expand it:

echo "%AppData%\Storj\Identity\new_forum_storagenode"
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I generation new indentity, but i can sign it oly when i get new invetation again, and others i used yesterday, trying to make new id

You can run the node right now, it will show you a different NodeID. The signing just bring it online.

Ok than you, i will try as it end generating

it not start and give this error

in config it

path to the certificate chain for this identity

identity.cert-path: C:\Identity\new_forum_storagenode\ca.cert

path to the private key for this identity

identity.key-path: C:\Identity\new_forum_storagenode\ca.key

i got it work only when made ftom this C:\Identity\new_forum_storagenode\ca.cert
to this C:\Identity\newforumstoragenode\ca.cert
as storagenode adds additionl \ because of spesial character in path like underscor

and i got same ID
2020-03-14T00:32:14.471+0200 INFO Node 1En3fUAhut9qGA7SEruFai4zbQUL99d9nWiJHRjdYVJTeiPsMr started

Just tried on the Windows to generate a new identity. Twice. Both time have received a different NodeID.
Please, tell me, how you check the NodeID?
Also, I have started a Windows node with a unsigned identity and it’s running without any issues.
Of course it’s offline because of that. But this is easily fix with an authorization token

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I found the problem, I instaled it with my tool box, and config firstly was generated by it.
some row in storagenode is reading wrong way and force it to take every time same ID
does any command in config can make ID?

Yes. identity create name_of_node :slight_smile:
The NodeID is always taken from the identity. You can just point to a wrong directory

but it was disqualified in 8 min, it not posible, when i take new identity, only if it realy is the same, also logs show that id id same.

It is possible to specify a wrong path to the identity. To the old one.
Also, how you run your custom service? What is full command?

“C:\Program Files\Storj4\Storage Node\storagenode.exe” run --config-dir “C:\Program Files\Storj4\Storage Node\”

but duble \ in the end

to fix problem, i just copied original config, changed needed data and it worked, new id started to show.

Then you are able to compare a wrong config with a new one.

yes i found that some comented rows has onlu 1 " in the end, think this can break stuff.