INFO http: Accept error: accept tcp XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:28967: accept4: too many open files

thx @Alexey it is not so easy for me. I use network drive with internal os. so can’t use default options.

I founded config file here sudo vi /usr/local/AppCentral/docker-ce/CONTROL/config.json
but even I put there "default-ulimits": { "nofile": { "Hard": 2097152, "Name": "nofile", "Soft": 2097152 } },

it is still didn’t work with number above 1048576 trying to find some way to increase it…

The network filesystems are not supported, the only working network storage protocol is iSCSI. But it’s better to run the node directly on file server/NAS, if possible.

I’m afraid you need to change the default values like in these posts: