Is anybody having issues with v1.41 and 1.42?

sorry, I know it is a dumb question… what do you mean with checkout the changes? which command did you run?

Sorry, I meant to discard any change.
Because some processes may generate changes (e.g. npm), you have to discard them before building it for not getting a binary that’s in development build.

To discard all the changes in one fell swoop, git checkout . from the root folder of the repository should be doing it.

After that, you can make sure that there isn’t any change with git status or with git diff --stat as @elek mentioned.

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That made it! Thanks ifraixedes! and thanks all!


  1. development versions do not receive updalods AND are rejected when pinging the satellite
  2. to build a release version, no changes shall be detected by git; the “git checkout .” step should probably be added to the commands list I’ve seen in the forum.
    Something like:
git clone
cd storj
git checkout <version>

cd web/storagenode && npm install && npm run build && cd ../..
go get
go-bindata -prefix web/storagenode/ -fs -o storagenode/console/consoleassets/bindata.resource.go -pkg consoleassets web/storagenode/dist/... web/storagenode/static/...
/usr/bin/env echo -e '\nfunc init() { FileSystem = AssetFile() }' >> storagenode/console/consoleassets/bindata.resource.go
gofmt -w -s storagenode/console/consoleassets/bindata.resource.go
git checkout .
(make sure git diff --stat does not show any change, otherwise it builds a development version)
./scripts/ install ./cmd/storagenode

Our pleasure.
Thanks for wrapping up the post, it will help others in the future when facing similar problems when they search for the issue.


It is right there (if you build in a container):

or there for plain builds:

Hi Alexey,

I was not referring to the git checkout {version}; that one is there indeed to build a specific version. I am referring to git checkout . that needs to be done before building the release. My script now looks like the below:

git clone
cd storj
git checkout <version>

cd web/storagenode && npm install && npm run build && cd ../..
go get
go-bindata -prefix web/storagenode/ -fs -o storagenode/console/consoleassets/bindata.resource.go -pkg consoleassets web/storagenode/dist/... web/storagenode/static/...
/usr/bin/env echo -e '\nfunc init() { FileSystem = AssetFile() }' >> storagenode/console/consoleassets/bindata.resource.go
gofmt -w -s storagenode/console/consoleassets/bindata.resource.go
git checkout .
(make sure git diff --stat does not show any change, otherwise it builds a development version)
./scripts/ install ./cmd/storagenode


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