Is data uploaded/downloaded through a satellite?

As I said - always compromises. If you want to have a full decentralization (not only data and metadata (!), but also no central control entity and also a market), you would have to solve multiple challenges, like a simple access to your data from a mobile device for example or when you lost your hardware and want to restore your data from the network, you also want to have a high speed for uploads and downloads and be able to control an access and securely share your data with others, etc. All of that is not fully possible for the fully decentralized network yet. Like the mobile device is not able to run a full node, you also cannot store a metadata on the network itself (because of the latency and the required consensus) making your device with the full node is a central point of a failure, etc.

It has been discussed many times and no good solution for the coordination problem:

See also