Is there any good news about traffic?

But marketing is not just advertisement to the masses. But it can be, depending on the product.
But just on example if you look at which was said to be using Tardigrade as backend, why are there no buttons, no banners? There is nothing. Why should this be done? To increase recognition, to establish a brand. There are services that use storage on AWS S3 as reputation.
Same could go with Tardigrade, if it was better marketed. And while i understand to distiguish between devs and end users, I am not sure if that should be done. Devs can be end users, end users could be devs or it admin in a company interested in alternative storage solutions.

Just to add: In your other thread this is quite similar. Markekting wouldn’t necissarily advertise to the masses but maybe offer public endpoints. Self hosted by Storj or offer hosting to reliable SNOs with reputation.
I believe SIA is having a thing like that with their skynet portals.