ISCSI vs NFS shares for nodes?

The long version is that networked file systems introduce new modes of failure that the storage node code is not tested against. Hence nobody will officially support it. Besides, to be reliable enough and fast enough, networked file systems require careful configuration, and therefore skills to make it so—probably nobody wants to have yet another flood of questions coming from misunderstanding basics of networking.

You would probably break some T&C items as well, but…

It is technically possible to set up a reliable and fast node with NFS or SMB, but you’ll be on your own. I have some notes here on this idea.

There used to be a major obstacle in form of sqlite3 databases just not working correctly on networked file systems, but for some time now it is possible to configure nodes to keep them in a separate location. They’re small, so they can be placed on the local OS drive.

BTW, with regards to Windows, make sure you’ve got the right license for setting up the node.