I've almost loose my node

Hi guys, I had the same Problem as Karacurt und nerdatwork. At First I had set up a fully working storage node. Unfortunately after 2 days showed me, that the node turned offline. So I had to deinstall my current storage node and tried to install it again. The first time I tried to reinstall my storage node it did not work - the dashboard showed me my node would be offline and the quic is misconfigured. As a consequence I deleted the storage node again and installed it a second time. This time my installer gave me this error code:

So I researched the internet and found your discussion from 1,5 years ago. I tried to install the older version which was saved on gitlab as you recommended. But apparently my node still is not working :frowning:

I’m really desperate into making it work, so I would be very glad if you can help me out!

Greetings Patrick!