The zkSync doesn’t requires the address change, it’s working with the same address, you just need to have an ability to sign a message and working with web3 (to unlock tokens for example and request withdrawal).
So, yes the import of private key to the Metamask is enough.
If you would opt-in, we expect that all pending payouts for those nodes will be send to the address via zkSync.
We have not implemented the opt-in for zkSync on node’s side yet - we are working on it right now, so there is no change on node side yet.
But you can send your wallet address and NodeID (if you want to test only one of your nodes and not all) to me or to the, I’ll give it to the payout team, and they can transfer manually in the nearest payout period.
We plan to have a small test round for those who interested before the automatization would be fully implemented.
At the moment you can test this technology on testnet for free: