Let's talk about the elephant in the room: The Storj economic model (node operator payout model)

This is a great discussion and I think it’s worth clarifying that for the network to succeed, it has to be economically viable both to be a node operator and to be a satellite operator generating demand.

We’re going to be talking a lot about this topic on twitter spaces, in fireside chats, here on the forum, and if anyone in the node operator community has other communication channels they recommend, we’re open to engaging wherever it makes sense.

As always. we want this to be a transparent dialog, and so that we end up with a good balance. In the short term, we’re holding the regular twitter spaces so anyone can join and ask questions or make suggestions.

We’ll be ready to share more complete aspects of some of the proposals we have in mind as they get more fully completed. We don’t want to throw half-baked ideas over the wall and we’re getting close.

We anticipate needing more supply and over time will need to grow to exabyte scale. but in a sustainable rate.

Please join an upcoming twitter space. We’ll be sharing more specifics later this quarter with the goal of publishing the first draft of a paper Q1 for review and feedback.

In the short term, we’re moving slowly so as to not disrupt the current network. Don’t worry about sudden rash changes. There are some great thoughts in this thread. Please keep them coming.