Let's talk about the elephant in the room: The Storj economic model (node operator payout model)

The “grinding node operators to a pulp” was a joke @john made in response to me addressing the discussion in this topic during the last Twitter space. It’s worth listening to his response, because I think he echoes exactly the sentiment you’re expressing. My question starts at around the 20 minute mark.

It’s about a 10 minute response that while not containing specifics, does very clearly state Storj’s attitude towards the current situation and goals.

Tomorrow there is another Twitter spaces planned if you want to ask your own followup questions. Unfortunately I can’t make it this time, but it would be awesome if other node operators could chime in.

I’ll be sure to listen back afterwards.

That was the whole point in mentioning numbers. To make that response very clear. And I think in balance this topic shows that $1/$5 is not acceptable for too many nodes.

I can make some calculations to show what it would actually look like. But you would only have to build up to that $66 while your node grows. Most months you wouldn’t have the full 50% held back because your node doesn’t yet have to build more collateral. Let me get back to that in a bit. But I see your point. I would like to say that some other networks have you stake tokens upfront, which is much more of a hurdle. I like that storj doesn’t require that to begin with and just uses held back payouts. It would also be possible to lower this requirement for long term reliable nodes. Say pay back half after a year of running your node and only require $5 per TB after that. These knobs can be tweaked so it makes sense for everyone.